Tuesday 13 January 2015

Traditions and Customs of the Holiday Season

Around Christmas time is probably one of the most stressful times of year at the Fletcher house. A lot of running back and forth from here to the states to willow brook mall, getting every present, for each family member checked off the list. We decorate our house inside and out, we put a big tree up and decorate it as a family as well as we can. Christmas Eve is probably the second most stressful, because its my birthday! We always have people over (our closest family and friends) for dinner and drinks, sometimes I find we celebrate the fact that Christmas is the next day and being with family. I guess I should mention the fact that my family doesn't get along very well, so the fact that we can all stand each other for one night, I'm thankful for that. Now this year my sister and her boyfriend (who have been living in Alberta for the past 4 months) had come home for my birthday, again I'm very thankful.
I didn't get any photos, but this is what Christmas is like at my house
On Christmas eve my mom or dad make quiche,
We wait for Christmas day,
Everybody wakes up and we all meet in the upstairs living room,
We have to wait for everyone to be up and in the living room with their coffees before anything happens,
Once everyone is up, my parents then pick out on present each person
Once we open our other one my parents continue to hand out the presents with the right names,
Once the presents are done everyone has quiche, coffee, a smoke, and we will just sit in the living room and talk about anything and everything.

My Christmas may sound boring to some but to me the best part is being able to be with my family, presents or not, my family has to be the best present of all time and I'm thankful for them everyday.