Friday 21 November 2014

Social Media Safety

Although i had not gone to the assembly this year, i had gone two years ago at my old school, D.W Poppy. The white hatter had made many people laugh, but mainly think about what they had done in the past or who they have hurt with their words. The white hatter was able to connect to the students like i have never experienced before, he is a true inspiration. The presentation was interesting to watch. To see the way he had connected to all the students in the crowd, how everyone looked upon him, how he could stand there in front of hundreds of kids and talk about personal encounters he had faced himself, how passionate he was about what he was talking about. I had learnt many things from his presentation. I had learnt that words and actions do hurt people, whether they show it or not, i learnt that before i speak, i should think before i do, i may not think it hurts, i  may think it doesn't bug that one person, but it does effect them. humans are sensitive and i can speak from experience. What i can do to help make sure that things like that don't happen over the internet is to stand up and not be a stand by, i cant allow people to just sit there and let someone hurt another whether i no them or not. the internet is a very powerful thing, and words are even worse. If students are at risk or being bullied in any way could go to the principals and tell them or show them whats happening, and if that doesnt help then they could go to the police especially if they are being threatened in any way shape or form. Kids cant just sit there and allow someone to continuously abuse them with words and actions, people may say that if you just go along with it or allow them to continue until the bully gets bored then they will leave you alone is a lie, when i was younger i did that and it continued on until i was in grade 9, i allowed it to go on for about 5 years without telling anyone. in my opinion the safest thing to do is stand up for yourself or others and let someone (an adult) know what is going on and what is being said and get them to help. The white hatters presentation was an amazing eye opener for many people, and i hope that people will think before they say or do, we are in a generation where many people have been committing suicide because of what people say to them or behind their backs, its not right for someone who is young, who has their whole life ahead of them, who has many things they have to explore, see, and learn be put through all of that and end their life before they can experience what life is really like. I hope kids these days learnt something from the white hatter because i no for sure that i had.  

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